Saturday, June 22, 2013

What Medical and Health subjects do you want to know about?

I have started writing some booklets on various health issues - mostly those which actually involve my family.

The first subject I have written about, happened because my son fell ill just this week, with an  allergy reaction to a specific food additive.

I grew up having regular bad reactions to this same additive. But I had no idea what was causing them. It's only been in the last few years (since I changed countries and went online) that I have discovered that my episodes of illness were in response to this specific additive. It seems my son has inherited this same sensitivity.

I will be writing booklets about auto-immune diseases and chronic illnesses that have also been recorded in my family.

I am more than happy to write about other illnesses, chronic or otherwise,  and allergies and medical problems that you wish to know more about.

I am not afraid to write about any controversial medical and health issues as well. I already have had some experience of controversial treatment.

You are welcome to leave a comment or a statement listing any illness or treatment you want to know more about. If you have any additional information or you have had any reaction or treatment or experience - whether good or bad - I would love to know about it.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Plain Language Guides...

I have always wanted to be a Technical Writer.  A Technical Writer has to be able to rewrite the language of a technical manual into plain English so that everyone can understand it.

Whenever I try and teach people. I seem to have this knack for re-wording something in such a way that they understand it, so I am going to use this talent for writing my Booklets.

They shall now be called

The Plain Language Guide to....

whichever medical issue I am writing about.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Health and Medical Scanner.

I remember reading once a long long time ago that we humans have souls and after we die, we get reincarnated and some of us get to come back to earth to live another life.

It is possible that we are being reincarnated over and over again until we learn all the lessons we have to learn. Every life we live, we have to learn something new.

I don't know if I believe in reincarnation, and I am not going to debate the issue on this blog or in this post. I was just pointing out where I read this information.

I have noticed one constant theme that is running through my entire life, and possibly may be the lesson I have to learn. Although quite what I am supposed to be learning, I don't yet know.

Anyway, the one constant theme running through the life of myself and my family (which includes my parents, siblings as well as my spouse and children) is that every few years we are slammed with a new health and medical issue.

They seem to be coming so fast, and I barely get up to speed on one issue, when the next one slams into me.

Anyway, I mention this, because I think this is going to be my niche for my Booklet business!!!

The Health and Medical fields are quite wide-ranging, but I have experience with lots of different medical issues, and I am more than willing to research and find out about others.

Since I am a scanner - interested in a wide range of subjects, I think I can call my new business - The Health and Medical Scanner.

Also a scanner reminds me of Doctor McCoy on the TV show Star Trek. He used a lot of futuristic type technology to scan patients bodies and determine what was wrong and how to fix it. The above graphic is the BioBed readout - courtesy of Paramount Pictures.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My First Booklet

I wrote my first Booklet today. 

It's actually a small Tips booklet on Communication with a partially deaf or hard of hearing person - of which I am one.

This is the International Sign for the Deaf - borrowed from Wikipedia

Two years ago, I wrote a lens on Squidoo about what it was like growing up as a deaf person, and how isolated I felt. But included in that lens was a short section on the best ways for hearing people to communicate with me.

So I have expanded that short section and made a 4 page booklet. It is called 5 Tips on Comunicating with  the Deaf.

Now I just need to find a place where I can store it online, so people can access it. Since it is so short, I dont think I will sell it. It can be one of my free give-aways...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Writing Booklets

Just to catch you up to what has happened lately.

I am now out of Squidoo totally and completely. I sold my account to another lensmaster. It's been very nice having a break from Squidoo, and not having to write every day, but now I am itching to get back into writing.

One of the problems, I have with writing, is the thought that I have to write a long (at least 100 pages or more) book, in order to be considered a serious author. I know a little about a lot of things - but I am not confident that I know enough to write a long book. And we have constantly been told that self published books just wont sell. 

But now things have changed.  And just like a Scanner I have changed direction, yet again...

Today I was looking for new ways of writing and I discovered that it was perfectly OK to write and sell small Books that are called Booklets. These range in size from 15 to 50 pages.

I specifically was reading this website - Bizy Moms.

Down the bottom of the page was a small box with a title that said  - 

 Earn Big Money Writing Little Booklets

I clicked the link and I LOVED what I read.

I went looking for more details and have found a Booklet writing Guru named Kim Hillman. She has been writing and selling Booklets since 2007. Kim has just recently developed an email course on how to write booklets. She has also recently joined up with Facebook, but her Easy Street Blog about how to write Booklets, has been going for quite some time.

I have enrolled in Kim's Booklet writing e-mail course and am eager to start writing, booklets, and then publish them online, so I can sell them. First I have to find a place where I can sell them, but hopefully the course will tell me how to do that too.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spun Content and Quotes - Squidoo

Yesterday Squidoo announced yet another knee jerk reaction and are now attacking any lens with what they call Spun Content. These are usually lenses that are filled with paragraphs that are stuffed full of keywords.

Right now I have a lens that is under a warning for "Duplicate Content" and all I put on it was one quote!

 It really bugs me that when Squidoo talk about Spun Content - which is keyword stuffing - being wrong and against the Squidoo TOS, but they dont do anything about lenses that are stuffed full of nothing but quotes.

Quotes are spun content because the writer does not need to write anything original. They just copy and paste quotes (what other people have said) and then post that lens as a quote page. I call that spun content. Squidoo continues to ignore them.

Source - Funny Birthday Quotes for Women

I half do want to leave Squidoo - because they are not being consistent in their TOS - and I half dont want to leave - because it is such an excellent writing platform.

I have some idea that I need to start removing my lenses from Squidoo and start re-editing them into several E-books. Which I can then sell to make money. All my writing on Squidoo does not earn money. I know I write well - I now have 22 Purple stars which prove that.

My problem is that the cost of setting up a domain name and a host package is expensive and costly - especially when I dont have a credit card.

Oh well, now I have something to work towards - find a way to pay for a domain name and a hosting package.

Ciao for now.